1. We are to know God's written word and live God's written word.
2. Studying and applying Psalm 119 will lead us to study all 66 Books of the Bible.
3. Studying and applying Psalm 119 will lead us to live the Bible.
4. Studying and applying Psalm 119 will lead us to experience a deeper relationship with Christ.
5. Godly living requires keeping the statues, precepts, and commands of the Bible.
6. Psalm 119 is quite impressive, imposing, and even intimidating.
7. Psalm 119 is repetitive.
8. Good teachers use the power of repetition.
9. Someone has said, "Happiness has to do with entrusting our lives to God."
10. The writer goes on to say, "Entrusting our life to God means constant openness to God's Life-giving Word."
11. One commentator writes, "Psalm 119:1-8 communicates the sense that the Psalmist continually seeks God, which means seeking new and deeper understandings of how God intends justice and righteousness to be enacted in this world."
12. Psalm 119:1-8 informs us that we are blessed if we act according to God's word.
13. This text is asking us the following question: Do you want to be blessed?
14. We are powerless in life unless we know and do God's word.
15. We can not maintain godly living unless we keep God's revelation.
16. Anyone who is living a godly life is living a diligent life of prayer, study, and worship.
17. This text is asking us the following question: Are you wandering from God's commandments?
18. This text is asking us the following question: Do you treasure God's written word?
19. This text is asking us the following question: Are you allowing the Holy Spirit to teach you the truth?
20. This text asks us the following question about His word: Do you read it, study it, do it, and teach it?