1. The Resurrection brings us to the very center of the Christian faith.
2. Christ's death and Resurrection are inseparable. Please read Acts 17:18
3. I Cor. 15:1-34 deals with the "Certainty of the Resurrection".
4. Someone has said, " The Eastern Orthodox Church best highlights the Resurrection. The Catholic Church best emphasizes the Crucifixion. But the Protestant Church best emphasizes Both."
5. "1 Cor. is a letter stained with Paul's blood, sweat and tears." Unknown Scholar
6. "1 Cor. is a letter who tells us about who our Great God is." Unknown Scholar
7. "1 Cor. has a God-ward Orientation." Unknown Scholar
8. It is crucial that we as believers constantly educate ourselves about the tenants of the Gospel.
9. The Gospel is designed to liberate every soul dominated by the power of sin.
10. Paul once again deals with the Resurrection of Jesus because it was being contested by people in this church.
11. What we believe about the Resurrection determines how we behave.
12. Paul was dealing with a group of people who were saying that there is no Resurrection.
13. Most of our culture does not believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
14. One scholar said, "The Corinthians were not denying the Resurrection; rather, they were claiming that the Resurrection has already taken place."
15. Most scholars deny the above theory.
16. Dr. Dale Martin says, "What they found objectionable about Paul's teaching was not the future aspect of the Resurrection, but that it was to be a bodily resurrection."
17. These people had a false view of their spiritual maturity.
18. One scholar said, "Paul insists that the fundamental logic of Christian proclamation demands belief in the resurrection of the dead; therefore, Christian hope necessarily affirms rather than rejects the body. To proclaim the Resurrection of Christ is to declare God's triumph over death and therefore the meaningfulness of embodied life. That is why, according to Paul, our future hope must be for a transformed in the resurrection, not an escape from the embodied life."
19. Paul wants us to know throughout this chapter that it matters what we do with our bodies in the present time matters.
20. "The gospel's proclamation of resurrection of the body serves both as a warning that we will be held accountable for what we do with our bodies and, at the same time, as a promise that our bodily labor is significant rather than meaningless." Unknown scholar