1. We can allow fear to freeze us in a anti-God position.
2. Fear eventually becomes an act or acts of disobedience.
3. The word "famine" in Genesis 12:10 literally means "empty stomach".
4. Dr. Bob Utley says, "The wives of the Patriarchs were beautiful, but barren, women. YHWH showed His power, presence, and purpose by allowing each of them to produce descendants. This was His way of showing that He was in charge of Israel's history, not human generations of planning."
5. We often allow Fear to lead us away from and God and His purpose for our lives.
6. God was testing Abram and he utterly failed the test.
7. I appreciate how God does not cover up the disobedience of His main characters.
8. This story once again reveals that Abram is not as special as we want to make him out to be.
9. At this point, Abram was not leading his wife spiritually.
10. It is crucial that we remind ourselves that Abram and Sarai were half brother and sister. They did have the same father. Please read Gen. 20:12. 11. God uses imperfect people. Aren't you grateful?
12. Dr. Barnhouse said, "Faith is not a mushroom that grows overnight in damp soil; it is an oak tree that grows for a thousand years under the blast of wind and rain."
13. Most scholars interpret Genesis 12:17 in the following way: These plagues were apparently related to Sarai's protection.
14. Abraham was an enigma.
15. God has to often clean up the messes we make due to fear or lack of faith.
16. Genesis 12:18 begs the following question: How did Pharaoh know the reason for the plague? Scholars have narrowed the answer to 3 possibilities and they are as follows: a. God revealed it to him. b. Egypt's wise men revealed it to him. Exod. 7:11, 22; 8:7.
17. Dr. Charles Spurgeon said, "Dare to be Daniel, Dare to stand alone; Dare to have a purpose true, Dare to make it known."
18. God will lead dynamic believers to spend time in a Lion's den.
19. God will lead dynamic believers to spend time in a fiery furnace.
20. God will confront our prejudice by allowing us to spend time in the belly of a large fish.
21. God will confront our pride by allowing us to spend time in a cistern.
22. God will confront our pride by allowing us to deny Him 3 times.
23. God will test our faith by asking us to completely place our kid's lives in His hands.
24. Christ will demand that we deny ourselves, take up our Cross, and follow Him faithfully.
25. God will allow us to spend time on an island so that He can reveal His revelations to us.
1. Are you allowing fear to control your life or God?
2. What fear are you constantly repeating?
3. What is God presently doing to move you out of your "fear Zone"?
4. Why are lying to yourself and others at this point in your life?
5. Why do you give fear first place in your life?
6. Why are you afraid to get out of your comfort zone?
7. What does yielding to fear say about your trust or lack of trust in God?
8. How does your fear effect your mate, children and Family of Faith?
9. What does your fear say to a non-believer?
10. Why do some people say "no" to the call of ministry?
11. When was the last time you said "Yes" to fear and "No" to faith?