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Writer's pictureDr. Don Laughlin

EPHESIANS 4:1-7,11-16

1. We need each other much more than we want to admit.

2. Our doctrine must affect our lifestyle.

3. One scholar said, "Truth is always relational."

4. Ephesians is known as one of Paul's prison letters. 

5. Ephesians was probably written in Rome in the AD 60's. 

6. Our unity in the Family of Faith is based on the unity of the Triune God. 

7. Dr. Utley says, "Unity must be continuously and intentionally pursued because of the diverse giftedness of the people of God."

8. The unity of a Family of Faith must be prayed about often. 

9. I love what one scholar said, "Church leaders are gifts to Christ's body(church), given to help and encourage the entire body to function in ministry."

10. Every believer in the Family of Faith must use their gifts to enhance the ministry of the church. 

11. Ephesians 4:1 begins the practical section of this letter/book. 

12. Many scholars have said, "Christianity is an initial decision followed by lifestyle discipleship."

13. "We are to walk worthy because of our calling, not to receive a calling."  Dr. Utleyl

14. Please read this powerful quote:"Salvation is a gate followed by a way! It is a free gift followed by a "cost everything" lifestyle."

15. We are called to holiness (Eph.1:4). 

16. Humility is uniquely a Christian virtue. 

17. It is interesting that both Moses (Num. 12:3) and Jesus (Matt. 11:29) are both described by this term of humility. 

18. Gentleness refers to "domesticated strength" like a trained animal. Wild animals have been trained to serve mankind. 

19. Believers have been "tamed" to serve one another. 

20. You and I are to be patient with one another because our Great God is quite patient with us. 

21. This text asks us several questions, one of which is as follows: Are you extremely patient with your church family whether they are friends or opponents? 

22. This text reminds us that the goal is unity, not uniformity. 

23. All of us are personally responsible for the health,unity, and vitality of our Family of Faith. 

24. The Universal church (one body) is addressed in Matt. 16:18 and Ephesians. 

25. Aren't you grateful for the Holy Spirit and they way He enables us to know God and come to Christ?

26. The Holy Spirit also enables us to live the Christian life in unity. 

27. We must refrain from bragging about our spiritual gifts. 

28. We must refrain from comparing our gifts to another person's gifts. 

29. Jesus is God's gift to all of fallen mankind. What a Gift Jesus is!!

30. Ephesians 4:8 is a quote from Psalm 68:18. 

31. Ephesians 4:9 refers to either (1) the Incarnation or (2) Jesus' descent into Hades (Acts 2:31) or possibly 1 Peter 3:18-20; 4:6; which is reflected in the early creeds of the Church, "descended into Hell"). 

32. "Jesus came to fulfill God's eternal plan for the unity and redeeming of all mankind as well as physical creation (Rom. 8:19-21)

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