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  • Writer's pictureDr. Don Laughlin

1 TIMOTHY 4:1-10

1. Every church needs Spirit-led leadership.

2. Every church needs positive leadership.

3. Every church will deal with negative leadership.

4. Every church must be prepared to deal with false teachers.

5. 1 Timothy 4:1-5 reflects negative leadership.

6. 1 Timothy 4:6-10 reflects positive leadership.

7. "The New Testament characterizes these later days or end-times much like the Old Testament prophets who took a crisis of their day and projected it into an eschatological setting." (Dr. Utley) Please read Matthew 24:10-12

8. Satan constantly attacks churches who are seeking to take the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world.

9. The false teachers (apostates) the Apostle Paul is referring to continue to believe and give credence to demonic teaching.

10. Every teaching should listen to the Holy Spirit and follow His Leadership.

11. The false teachers of Paul's day claimed to be "teachers of the law" and possessed an element of Judaism.

12. These false teachers are described in 1 Timothy in the following ways: a. Taught strange doctrines. b. Paid attention to myths and and genealogies. c. Were hypocritical liars. d. Refused people getting married. e. Caused constant tension. f. Strayed from the faith.

13. False teachers are more dangerous than most churches know and acknowledge.

14. Most scholars believe these false teachers were beyond repentance.

15. 1 Timothy 4:4 is a tremendous truth on the goodness of all things. Please read Genesis 1:3.

16. The word "prayer" in 1 Timothy 4:4 means "thanksgiving".

17. In 1 Timothy 4:6 Paul encourages us to be "gentle" with those who need to be corrected.

18. There will need to be Christ-centered correction in Christ's church.

19. Dynamic believers need to constantly nourish themselves on the Word of God.

20. Paul knew Timothy's track record of faithfulness.

21. Christlikeness does not come easily and requires deep spiritual discipline.

22. Godliness should be our number one priority.

23. Dynamic believers trust in the settled, sure, unchangeable character of God as their only Hope.

24. YHWH is the ever-living, only-living ONE.

25. Dynamic believers in the Living God cannot get enough of God and His Written Word.

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