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Writer's pictureDr. Don Laughlin

1 KINGS 19:19-21

1. Our Great God always has some faithful believer waiting in the wings.

2. We are to give ourselves' away and prepare others to continue the ministry.

3. Elisha means "God is my Salvation".

4. Our Great God should always be our one and only Salvation.

5. Elisha was a 9th Century prophet of the Northern Kingdom.

6. Elisha was a disciple and successor of Elijah.

7. Elijah called Elisha into service.

8. Elisha was most likely a man of wealth. Notice the 12 yoke of Oxen and and the lavish farewell feast.

9. Elisha's name appears for the first time in a divine command given to Elijah, according to which Elijah had to anoint Elisha as his successor.

10. We cannot find any traces of Elisha being anointed.

11. Elisha fills the majority of the first 13 chapters of 2 Kings.

12. Elisha's first miracle was performed immediately after his master was taken up to heaven.

13. Elisha took Elijah's mantle, invoked the name of the LORD, and struck the water of Jordan, which thereupon parted before him. (2 Kings 2:13-14)

14. Elisha healed the spring of Jericho by throwing salt from a new bowl into the spring. (2 Kings 19-22)

15. Elisha probably belonged to a family distinguished for piety, and for their opposition to the prevailing calf-worship.

16. Verse 20 is a powerful word to those of us who have been called into ministry. Do not allow any earthly affection to detain you from obeying your call.

17. The mantle was the symbol of Elijah's prophetic authority. This was a dramatic symbol that said, "I call upon you to join in my work as a prophet."

18. The "mantle" was the peculiar garb of the prophet, as we learn from Zechariah 13:4; and this was probably made of skin dressed with the hair on. See 2 Kings 1:8.

19. Successful ministry requires duplication or multiplication. We are to invest in others emotionally and spiritually.

20. God expects us to help others grow spiritually.

21. Our personal mission statement should include something like the following: "I am to help others succeed spiritually."

22. True ministers care for others and are solid friends with them.

23. Our call from our Great God is a tremendous privilege and responsibilities.

24. It is crucial that young ministers spend time with an older, experienced ministers.

25. Please take your call as a teacher seriously. May I encourage you to begin developing someone in your class to be a teacher.

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