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  • Writer's pictureDr. Don Laughlin

The Holy Spirit and You: Reasons for Ignoring the Holy Spirit

1. People ignore the Holy Spirit because they do not read God’s Word.

2. People ignore the Holy Spirit because they want to live life in their own power.

3. People ignore the Holy Spirit because they do not want to know or follow God’s will.

4. People ignore the Holy Spirit due to fear and ignorance

5. People ignore the Holy Spirit because they want to be comfortable

6. People ignore the Holy Spirit because they want to create drama rather than live in a dramatically Christ-like manner

7. People ignore the Holy Spirit because they have not educated themselves spiritually

8. People ignore the Holy Spirit because they are lost in self-consuming activities

9. People ignore the Holy Spirit because they want to be “Spiritual Lone Rangers”.

10. People ignore the Holy Spirit because they are not believers

11. People ignore the Holy Spirit because they do not want to be filled with joy.

12. People ignore the Holy Spirit because they want to stay in their sin.

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