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  • Writer's pictureDr. Don Laughlin


1. A true relationship with God changes our focus, our behavior, and our desires and the quality of our lives individually and corporately.

2. The Epistle to Philippians calls for unity among believers at Philippi and every local body of believers.

3. Unity in a body of faith is needed whenever there are external pressures on a church (1:27-30).

4. Unity in a body of faith is needed whenever there are internal pressures (2:1-11).

5. Philippians 2:5-11 was most likely an early Christian hymn. (Colossians 1:15-20 is also an early hymn).

6. How we live indicates who is in control of the life we live.

7. Members of a church need to nurture and maintain a spirit of unity.

8. Focusing on our responsibility to be Christ-like will nurture the beauty of unity in a church family.

9. We are not to allow the opponents of Christ to intimidate the proclamation of the gospel.

10. Our spiritual courage speaks a convicting word of judgment to the opponents of Christ.

11. God will liberally give us the courage we need to face the opponents of Christ.

12. Our faith relationship in Christ will lead us also to suffer for Christ.

13. We have avoided the topic of persecution and suffering for Christ in our teaching and preaching.

14. “Love has always been the key for the Christian life,” according to Dr. Bob Utley. (1 Cor. 13; Gal. 5:22; 1 John 4:7-21)

15. We are going to the held accountable for the way we treat one another in the body of Christ.

16. Dynamic churches are consistently involved in dynamic worship.

17. Unity in a family of faith creates joy within its family members.

18. We are to foster an atmosphere of love within our church.

19. Christian believers have the responsibility of setting our minds on one purpose.

20. God blesses our humility by creating a unified family of faith.

21. Philippians 2:4 tells us to “stop looking after your own interests only.” This means we are not to make ourselves a priority to the exclusion of others.

22. Selfishness only leads to dissatisfaction and destruction.

23. Our lives would be hopeless without Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension.

24. Christ left the outward form of God and took on the outward form of man (Phil. 2:7).

25. Christ willingly gave His life so that we might have eternal life and the abundant life.

26. “One person may not be able to change the world, but one person can give it a nudge.”

27. God’s power creates within us the power and desire to execute His gracious will.

28. If we will depend on Jesus Christ, we can fulfill what He expects in Phil. 2:1-11.

29. Love has always been the root and fruit for the Christian life (John 13:34-35).

30. The phrase “any fellowship of the spirit” is ambiguous, but probably means 2 things: A. The believers’ new redeemed, human spirit being energized by the Holy Spirit, B. The Holy Spirit being given to them.

31. Christianity is never an individualistic religion, but a family experience.

32. There are 4 actions that will always change our church for the good: A. A God-like demonstration of Love. B. A unity of spirit that leads us to focus on one purpose. C. A Christ-like attitude that regards others as more important than oneself. D. A lifestyle that looks out for the interests of others.

33. Humility means we stay close to the ground.

34. Believers are to keep a sharp watch on themselves so they can watch out for others.

35. It is not that believers are not to take interest in their own affairs, but they are not to make them a priority to the exclusion of others, especially other believers.

36. The goal of Christianity is Christlikeness in thought and deed (Col. 3:16).

37. We are admonished to follow Christ’s example in 2 ways: A. Christ left His pre-existent, divine glory to become a human, not for Himself, but for others; B. He was willing to die, not because of His own sins, but for others.

38. Christ’s followers are to emulate these self-giving, self-abasing characteristics.

39. We are our brother’s keeper because our brother is in the image and likeness of God.

40. Jesus left His heavenly glory for a manger (2 Cor. 8:9).

41. Jesus clearly demonstrated that true leadership, true power is a servant’s heart.

42. Love is an indestructible force in the universe provided by the Holy Spirit.

43. The letter to the Philippians calls us to pour ourselves out for the sake of others.

44. We are to sacrifice our time, energy, effort, and money.

45. How are we allowing God to groom us to fulfill His purpose?

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