A. We must choose to Walk with God.
1. Choosing to Walk with God is a Radical act of our Will.
a. Quote from the Christian movie Woodlawn, "The World needs the Gift that is Trapped inside of us."
2. Our walk with God must be...
a. Pure
b. Vibrant
c. Honest
B. We must choose a RELATIONSHIP with God.
1. Enoch maintained continuous spiritual FELLOWSHIP with God.
2. Enoch's FAITH Pleased God.
a. Hebrews 11:5 says, please type in here and on screen.
3. Some scholars say, "Enoch PHYSICALLY walked with God."
4. A Relationship with God requires SUBMISSION.
5. A Relationship with God requires HONESTY with God, self, and others.
6. A Relationship with God requires FORGIVING others.-
-People know about forgiveness, but heaven help the person who does them wrong.
7. A Relationship with God requires BELIEF in God.
a. People say they believe in God's word, but don't follow it or study it.
b. True believers ACCEPT God's GRACE and also GIVE Grace to their enemies and their friends.
c. Anyone who has a GENUINE Relationship with God will Hear the LORD when we get to Heaven say, "Well done good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your LORD."
d. Anyone who has a genuine Relationship with God is Quite VOCAL about their LORD.
1. Print Jude 13-14 here and on screen.
2. Enoch preached about the Coming JUDGMENT of God.
a. He spoke a hard message.... "to Execute Judgment on all."
b. All the ungodly will be judged... none will escape.
c. Who are the ungodly? They are all who not believed in the only Son of God. (John 3:18)
d. We need to constantly have the Gospel in our hearts and on our lips.
e. Hebrews 11:6 says, "And without FAITH it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe He EXISTS and that He REWARDS those who earnestly SEEK Him." 3. Enoch preached about the NEED for REPENTANCE.
1. Are you known as a RELIGIOUS person or One who has a DYNAMIC RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS?
2. Are you known as a HARSH person or One who is GRACIOUS WITH AND TOWARDS OTHERS?
3. Are you known as a TIGHTWAD or a GENEROUS GIVER?